Category: Uncategorized

  • 7 ways to connect with absolutely ANYONE!

      “If you’re looking for an opportunity, you’re actually looking for a person!” – Reid Hoffman, Founder / CEO of LinkedIn   PEOPLE control resources, opportunities and information.     Computers don’t.   The “cloud” doesn’t.    PEOPLE DO!   So if PEOPLE control resources, opportunities and information … what are you doing to make sure…

  • 10 reasons why you need to start playing like a 5 year old!!

      “We are never more fully alive, more completely ourselves, or more deeply engrossed in anything, than when we are at play.”  ― Charles Schaefer In this post I explore the next Improv rule on my list “The Power of Play”. “How we play is related, in myriad ways, to our core sense of self.…

  • How to say “YES” … AND get results!

    “The FUN is always on the other side of a YES” – Tina Fey   In this post I explore Improv Rule #3 on my list – Saying “Yes … And.”  I believe this is one Improv rule you can start using RIGHT NOW that will make a huge impact in your life!  By simply replacing the…