How To Create A Life You Love!

“Stop waiting for someone else to open the door for you … have the guts to open the door for yourself!” – Seth Godin
When I first started reading the work of Seth Godin I was introduced to the concept of “picking yourself.”
Those two words … pick yourself … literally jumped off the page and hit me like a ton of bricks.
It’s like my bones were electric and I had this major “Ah-Ha Moment”.   Why?  Because all the dots connected the second I read those two words … picking myself is what I’ve been doing my whole life!
Personally … Every job, every connection, every opportunity has come out of me taking a risk, getting a little uncomfortable and ultimately picking myself.
See … picking yourself is all about not waiting for someone else to magically hand you an opportunity … it’s about creating opportunities for yourself.  
And let me tell you … this is an incredibly impactful way to create a life you love.
The bottom line is this …
  • No one is going to hand you your dream job on a silver platter.
  • No one is going to bestow upon you a fancy degree.
  • The lbs are not going to magically melt off your body.
  • No instution or person is going to grant you success.
  • No one is going to give you permission to end the destructive relationship.

YOU are the one who makes it all happen.

The question is … do you have the GUTS to make it happen?
Do you have the guts to open the door for yourself?
Listen … it’s a normal instinct to want to wait to get picked or to seek out permission.
But it’s a dangerous one.  
Seth explains it best:
“Once you’ve rejected this crazy impulse and finally realize that NO ONE is going to pick you … that your Prince Charming has chosen another house … you can actually get to work.  If you’re hoping that the HR people you sent your resume to are about to pick you, it’s going to be a long wait.  Once you understand that there are problems just waiting to be solved, once you realize that you have all the tools and  permission you’ll ever need, then opportunites to contribute arise.”
So I challenge you to embrace this idea of “picking youself”.
It allows you to do anything … you just have to get out of your own way!
What’s holding you back from “picking yourself” right now?
Be well. Be Inspired!
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One response to “How To Create A Life You Love!”

  1. […] Picking yourself is all about not waiting for someone else to magically hand you an opportunity … it's about creating opportunities for yourself. And let me tell you … this is an incredibly impactful way to create a life you love.  […]

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