Debunking the Food Police with Registered Dietician Amanda Nighbert

Debunking the food police.  Registered Dietitian, and mother of two, Amanda Nighbert, is passionate about making nutrition accessible, breaking the all-or-nothing mindset, and finding sustainable change for long term weight loss solutions. In this episode, Judi and Amanda debunk a wide variety of fitness and food myths (hello, food police!) and explain why a steady diet of protein and lifting weights is the key to building a healthy metabolism that will allow you to enjoy some of the finer foods—and drinks—in life. Nutrition is notoriously complicated, but Amanda breaks things down in a way that makes getting healthy both simple and approachable.  

Today on Yes, And:

  • Why strength training and protein are so important
  • The problem with the “all or nothing” mindset 
  • Quick & easy ways to get protein into your diet
  • The difference between losing fat and losing weight
  • Debunking the food police 

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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

Top Quotes: 

  1. “As women, one of the biggest things that impact your metabolism is sarcopenia, which is the loss of muscle mass. The more muscle you have, the more flexible your diet can be.”
  2. “We don’t have a fat issue in the United States, we have a lack of muscle issue in the United States.”
  3. “When you go on an uber restrictive diet, where you’re eating like 800 or 1000 calories a day, you lose weight, but you don’t lose fat. Since you’re undereating so significantly, you’re undereating protein.” 
  4. “When women get super obsessed with the scale, I ask them, ‘Do you want to lose weight or do you want to lose fat?’ Because there’s a big difference.”
  5. “We’ve made everything ‘bad’. Kale is bad, beef is bad…Let’s not villainize foods that we’ve been eating since the dawn of time, let’s villainize things like soda, donuts, chips, cookies and cakes.”
  6. “We’re not eating enough animal protein. It’s a superfood that’s loaded with extremely important vitamins and minerals. I really believe that some of the issues we have with such high levels of thyroid dysfunction are that we’re not eating enough animal protein.”
  7. “Manufacturers are actually reducing serving sizes just to make their products to look better. So they have less calories, less carbs and less sugar, but that doesn’t mean that’s what we should be eating. We want to bring our food to our protein goal.”