Episode 103 Embracing fear in the new year

Embracing Fear In the New Year

Are you ready to start embracing fear in the new year??!  2022 is officially going to be the Year of &! Kick open some new doors today with Judi as she reflects on the past year and plans for the future. Join her as she pulls a card for the New Year, challenges you to stop waiting for “someday”, and dishes out that motivation you’ve been needing to keep your goals out of the graveyard of dreams. 

Today on Yes, And:

  • Reflecting on 2021 and preparing for 2022
  • Harnessing fear as a motivator
  • If time is a currency, how are you spending it?
  • Throwing out “Or” and embracing your “And” 
  • How to stop waiting for “Someday”

Top 3 Quotes:

  1. I’m not without fear. F*ck, I’m full of it. I see it as a gift. 
  2. Someday syndrome is gonna have you waiting a long time, because there’s no someday. There is only right f*cking now.
  3. You don’t have to pick. You can be a badass career woman and a mom. You can be an awesome friend and still have boundaries.

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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions