Episode 50: Enneagram: A Map for Self-Awareness & Compassion with Seth Abram

We’re diving into self-understanding and compassion for others by exploring the 9 Enneagram types with Seth Abram.

The Enneagram is a system for understanding how you show up in the world, and through it you can explore your gifts along with your shadow side for self-empowerment and deeper relationships. 

In this episode of Yes, And you’ll learn:

  • How Enneagram is different from personality tests
  • The motivation, gifts, and shadow side of the 9 types
  • What the 3 centers of intelligence represent
  • Using your shadow side and fear to your advantage
  • Empowering questions each type can ask themselves
  • What your Enneagram “wings” and “lines” say about your needs

Top 3 FAVE quotes:

  1. If you find your type, it should do two things for you—it should name the fun, exciting things you love about yourself while also naming your shadow. It should name the polarity existing in you.
  2. The more present you are with your patterns, the less they can control you.
  3. Wisdom is knowledge applied compassionately.

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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions