Episode #13: The Cliff Note – 3 Ideas From Choose Yourself by James Altucher

In this “Cliff Note” episode I share 3 ideas I’m OBSESSED with from the book Choose Yourself by James Altucher and one of them is a way to help you never feel guilty about saying NO again. 

What’s so exciting about this day and age is that no matter what the disruption is happening, or what changes you have going on, you always have the ability to choose yourself.  Is this easy? No.  But is it critical?  Hell yes. 

Each of the ideas in the show today will help you live a braver life, smash those comfort zones, and of course … experiment with your fear.

In this episode you’ll learn:

1.  Why the middle man no longer matters and is going away.
2.  One key way you can avoid burnout … and regret!
3.  How to deal with jealousy and competition.

I hope you have as much fun listening to this pod as I did recording it for you!  New episodes drop every Wednesday,  so I’ll see you next week.

Listen on iTunes HERE.

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PS:  Make sure you follow me on Instagram HERE to submit your questions and share show ideas!  This show is for YOU, so drop me a DM to share your love, feedback, questions, and/or ideas for future episodes.  

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Here’s the class schedule: 

    • Monday, March 30thDigital Improv – The Power of Play and How To Use Improv to Cope with Stress with special guest, Gary Ware
    • Monday, April 6 – The Discomfort Zone – How to Fall in Love with Failure and Embrace Disruption.
    • Monday, April 13 – Digital Persuasion – How to Be Brave Online and Connect Authentically in a World that Feels Disconnected with Special Guest, Erin King

Made with Love.