Episode 68 Create Your Million Dollar Mornings

Episode 58: Create Your Million Dollar Morning

Today you can create your million-dollar morning as Judi takes you behind the scenes with a play-by-play of her daily routine to help you build your own! By taking charge of your morning, you activate yourself, tap into something bigger than you, and start owning not only your day but your life. Judi provides resources and tools so you can create your own million-dollar 20-minute morning ritual. She shares her daily systems to help effectively manage her energy, along with tips for taking vibe checks throughout the day. You don’t want to miss this episode!

In this episode of Yes, And:

  • A play-by-play of Judi’s million-dollar morning routine
  • How to effectively manage your energy
  • Tools for taking vibe checks throughout the day
  • Amplify the quality of your life through specific habits
  • Create your own 20-min, million-dollar morning!

Top 3 relevant quotes:

  1. Goals can help you set boundaries with your life and your time.
  2. You are the CEO of your life, so it’s time to start acting like it. When you own your morning, you own your day—and guess what happens when you own your day? You own your life and make change happen.
  3. To make a change you need a cue, a routine, and a reward, and then enough repetition to make it automatic. 


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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions