Speaking Advice, Imposter Syndrome, and My Fave Apps

Episode 63: Speaking Advice, Imposter Syndrome, and My Fave Apps

It’s time for an Ask Me Anything episode with Judi! Today, Judi is unpacking listener questions related to speaking, imposter syndrome, and her favorite tools for daily business hacks and social media. She also shares her tips for preparing and delivering a high-vibe virtual or live talk and reveals how she used improv to move through her most cringeworthy moment on stage, and what that experience taught her.

In this episode of Yes, And:

  • Learn then framework for how Judi writes and develops her talks
  • Judi’s tricks for delivering a virtual or live talk
  • How Judi got through her most cringe-worthy experience on stage
  • How Judi reframes imposter syndrome
  • What leads to us feeling stuck & how to get out of a rut
  • Judi’s favorite tools and apps for business hacks & social media 

Top 3 FAVE quotes:

  1. Relax, be yourself, and know that everyone hates public speaking. You’re up there doing what 99.9% of people in the world loathe doing, so take a deep breath and know that you cannot lose.
  2. When imposter syndrome, jealousy, and comparison show up in your life, it means you want more for yourself, or you see something in someone else that you want a little bit of for yourself. It means you are about to do something uncomfortable which will earn you a more comfortable life, so this mindset shift is empowering.
  3. The only way out of a rut is to mix it up, to make a change, to purposefully get uncomfortable so you have a new story to tell.

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Judi’s Favorite Tools & Apps:

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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions