vibrate higher daily

Episode 64: How to Vibrate Higher Daily

During Judi’s solo trip to Palm Springs, she was profoundly impacted by reading the book  Vibrate Higher Daily by Lalah Delia.  Judi is now sharing her favorite 3 ideas from the book with you! We’re learning how to vibe up, live in our power, and connect deeper to our spiritual side through vibrational living. 

In this episode of Yes, And:

  • Awareness around what lifts & drains your energy
  • Keep evolving & outgrowing who you’ve been
  • Examples of low vs. high vibe relationships
  • The antidote to fear is making active choices
  • Things happen around us vs. to us
  • Mindset and belief is how vibration speaks 


  1. High vibe living is transformative because it creates this shift in how you see, connect, and react to everything around you and within you because you realize that everything around you is affecting your vibration.
  2. Mindset, how you speak to yourself, and what you believe you’re worthy of is how vibrations speak. Truly believing you are worthy of health, wealth, and love is how you speak to the Universe, vibrate accordingly, and welcome that energy into your life.

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