Episode 78: Drink Less, Manifest More with Amanda Kuda

Drink Less and Manifest more is the next Gin and Juiced episode and includes a special guest, Amanda Kuda.  Amanda is an alcohol-free lifestyle expert and is here to share her wisdom on all things sobriety. She explains why she believes living an alcohol-free life was the first step in manifesting her dreams, so if you wanna learn how to manifest more, this is the episode for you! Plus learn why moderation isn’t meant for everyone, how to find freedom in restriction, and tips on conserving your willpower for the things that truly matter. 

Today on Yes, And:

  • Amanda’s journey into sobriety 
  • Why moderation doesn’t work for everyone
  • How to find freedom in restriction
  • Using sobriety as a tool for manifestation  
  • Why you don’t need to hit rock bottom to go alcohol-free
  • How to use your willpower wisely 
  • The pitfalls of using alcohol to feel more confident and capable

Top 4 relevant quotes:

  1. Like you said you did not hit a rock bottom, but you felt inside that it’s not serving you.
  2. Willpower is in an energetic bank. So if you’re using your willpower all day not to flip off the person who cuts you off in traffic, not to tell off your boss when he says something chauvinistic… you’ve expended it through the day. And so if you’re relying on sheer willpower, by the end of the day, of course, you won’t have any.
  3. Manifestation is connecting with the universe, communicating clearly, believing you’re worthy of something–and showing the universe with your actions that you believe you’re worthy and you’re willing to show up.
  4. If we’re always drinking to try and be more of something, we’re telling ourselves, “You can’t do that on your own.”

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