ask Judi episode 83

Episode 83: Ask Judi: Confidence, Boundaries, Mentors, and More!

Ask Judi is back with the A’s to your Q’s! Today on the show, she tackles some of your toughest questions and shares her pro secrets. She answers how to accept, not deflect, compliments, how to find your own mentor, and why the power of goal focused will change your life and productivity. She also shares her personal best practices on her morning routine and how to center yourself amidst a busy life and business! 

Today on Yes, And:

  • How to accept compliments with grace
  • The difference between a mentor and a coach
  • How to ask someone to be your mentor
  • Staying grounded while owning a business
  • Why boundaries can be an act of self care 
  • The power of goal focused planning

Top 3 Quotes:

  1. When you deny a compliment someone gives you, you are actually making the person who gives you the compliment feel like sh*t.
  2. Anyone who’s ever done anything amazing never gets there alone.
  3. The second you begin listening to that little tap on your shoulder, that little ping in your gut that nudges you into a direction that may feel scary or uncomfortable, is the exact second that we start to run a business with alignment.

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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions