episode 85 with Judi Holler

Episode 85: Wish you had more energy? Listen to this! with Meaghan B. Murphy

Are you always wishing you had more energy? More hours in the day? Tired of feeling like you’re running on a low battery all day long? Well, today on the show, Meaghan B Murphy is here to give you the encouragement and fuel you need to keep pressing on. Editor-in-Chief of Woman’s Day magazine and author of Your Fully Charged life, Meaghan has a lot on her plate, but has found the secret to managing it all. She shares her tips on how to set your day off right and how she’s found balance as a working mom, plus tells the serendipitous story of how her father’s passing eventually led to her getting the book deal of her dreams. 

Today on Yes, And:

  • Balancing life and business as a working mom 
  • How to have a possibility mindset  
  • Practical tools for finding balance and peace amidst chaos 
  • Life lessons Meaghan learned from loss
  • Finding energy in the mayhem of life

Top 3 Quotes:

  1. When I’m faced with adversity, I understand that there is a gift in that, if I’m brave enough to unwrap it. 
  2. Stress equals mess.  
  3. I need to front load the day with “Yay” so that I’m gonna be okay.  

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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions