12 Things Fearless People Do!

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear, for newer and richer experiences.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
I just read an awesome book …. it’s called “My Year with Eleanor”.
The book is a memoir of the author, Noelle Hancock, who finds herself basically crippled by fear, anxiety and lack of courage.  
Until one day when inspiration comes in a coffee shop as she sees this quote on the wall “Do one thing every day that scares you” by Eleanor Roosevelt.
So with Eleanor as her inspiration she spends the year leading up to her 30th birthday persuing her “Year of Fear” doing everything from shark diving to fighter pilot lessons to stand up comedy.
Check out this video … totally sums it up and really inspiring!   
It’s a great read and really hit home with me.
Especially because I am SUCH a fraidy cat myself and suffer from my own anxiety issues.   It’s exhausting really.
Worrying about worrying.
How freaking crazy is that?  I know … 
So this book was an awesome step in my own “worry recovery” … I learned so much.  And I want to pass it on to YOU!
I hope some of the things I learned while reading can insipire you to face your fears, worry less and live a life of courage.
12 things Fearless people know for sure:
  1. You MUST do the thing you think you cannot do!
  2. Life is not about attaining; it’s about letting go.
  3. You can’t wait until you feel “ready” to take a risk. You’ll never feel truly prepared.  Start before your ready.
  4. We MUST accept uncertiantity.
  5. For some to love you, others have to dislike you. It’s the nature of performing.
  6. No matter who shows up to the party – joy, sorrow, depression – all should be welcomed inside because there is a lot we can learn from them.
  7. COURAGE is more exhilirating than fear and in the long run it’s also easier.
  8. There are NO dead ends in life, just opportunities to turn things around.
  9. Worry only gives us the “illusion” of control over the future.
  10. Practicing mindfulness will help you stay in the present where fear does not exist.
  11. Perfectionism is the fear of making mistakes.  Avoiding mistakes is a way to miss amazing opportunities.
  12. The only way to get over fear is to FEEL it.
Are you Fearless?
Be Well. Be Inspired!
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4 responses to “12 Things Fearless People Do!”

  1. Debbi Agins Beldon Avatar
    Debbi Agins Beldon

    Judi – it took me a long time to accept #5 – it was my resolution when I turned 40 to understand not everyone was going to like me and be okay with that. I felt like the little girl being afraid of being picked last in dodge ball. But you know what? Once you get past it, there’s a tremendous freedom that comes from being yourself. Happy Holidays!

    1. Hi Debbi!! Totally … me too!!! I feel that each year I get older … the more OK I get with people not liking me. It’s really part of life and I look at it this way … it’s what makes it interesting. Because if everyone liked everyone it would be a strange and boring world. So congrats to YOU for getting it!!! Thanks for reading and for the awesome comment … Happy Holidays!!

  2. […] To be Fearless …. You MUST do the thing you think you cannot do! (Are you Fearless?? 12 things Fearless people do!  […]

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