Girl Moms, This One Is For You! Empowering the Next Generation with Jill and Mary

Girl Moms, This One Is For You! Empowering the Next Generation with Jill and Mary

EP Title: 165. Girl Moms, This One Is For You! Empowering the Next Generation with Jill and Mary

Apple Summary:

Girl Moms, This One Is For You! Empowering the Next Generation with Jill and Mary of Girls Mentorship is the topic of today’s episode. Did you know that 7 in 10 girls believe they aren’t good enough or don’t measure up in some way? For some, it may looks and for others, it’s school performance or relationships with friends and family members. Whatever it is, our girls are feeling that they fall short. This is a big reason why today’s teens and tweens feel incredibly alone, which is often coped with by the micro hits of dopamine that endless scrolling provides—rinse and repeat. Our youth’s declining mental health poses a legitimate threat to the overall health of our communities and our society at large, and Jill Peterson & Mary Frances are here to do something about it. In today’s episode, Jill and Mary talk about why they started the Girls Mentorship program and share stories that show how their program helps girls develop self-awareness, self-worth, and self-confidence to set them up for a lifetime of empowerment. 

Today on Yes, And:

  • How Jill and Mary went from Lululemon workers to Girls Mentorship leaders
  • The problem with screen time and social media’s “quick hits.”
  • Judi’s experience with her own mother
  • Being a parent first and a friend later
  • Girl Moms, This One Is For You! Empowering the Next Generation with Jill and Mary

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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

Top Quotes: 

“When we (girls) feel uncomfortable, we pull out our screen and push down those feelings by filling a void with screen time.”

“Teens can smell bullshit from a mile away, so they know whether you’re for them or not for them. And when they know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you have good intentions for them, it helps create a space where they feel okay to be vulnerable.”

“You have to parent—you cannot be their friend. That friendship will evolve when they’re in their twenties. Your job is to allow them to make friends somewhere else and be their parent.”


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