How to be Happy in a World of Negativity!


“You can teach yourself happiness and optimism just like you teach yourself a new language.” – Shawn Anchor

I bet you know this feeling …

You wake up feeling super positive and happy and the birds are chirping all Snow White style … then you go into work, flip on the news, or get a call from “that” colleague / boss / family member and BOOM … in an instant … you are down in the dumps.

It can happen in seconds.


Because energy is contagious!!

So the Q is: How do you stay happy and positive and optimistic when you feel surrounded by negativity??

I’ve got just the solution for you and I’m dishing on it in this weeks episode of The Brandprov Show!

Introducing the super awesome Shawn Anchor and his amazing research. I share his 6 happiness hacks and in just 2 minutes a day how you can literally trump your genes and your environment … every time!

Link HERE to his killer happiness talk on Super Soul Sunday which totally inspired this weeks post!

Watch here:


Now that you’ve watched …  I’d love to hear from you!

Which one of Shawn’s Happiness Hacks will you try first?

I LOVE reading your comments so make sure you so “HOLLA back” in the comments below!

Also, I’d love to work with you or your company … I speak, coach and train on my Brandprov ™ Framework.  

So check out my speaking page right here on my website to find out how to work with me.

As always, thank you for watching, reading and sharing this video.



PS – If you dig this video or know someone who would, pass it on!

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2 responses to “How to be Happy in a World of Negativity!”

  1. Doug Sandler Avatar
    Doug Sandler

    Very much like you, I cut the cable about 5 years ago…no TV, no paper, no news. My friends always say, “how do you know what’s going on?” I say to them, my mom is news junkie, if something gets really bad out there, she will call me! I don’t get caught up in office politics, don’t associate with negative people and eliminate any or anyone in my life who is a positive or happy sucker. Nice Guys Finish First. I believe in this so much I wrote the book! xoxox Great post Judi!

    1. Hi Doug and YAH!! I love to hear it … sounds like we have similar plans!!! Keep rocking Mr. Nice Guy.

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