Here’s a Quick Way To Feel Amazing!


Ok, I want you to think about how YOU feel about yourself when you are with someone who makes you feel amazing.

For example:

Say you have just left a meeting with this amazing person (maybe it’s friend, a mentor, a biz colleague) and all of the sudden you have an extra bounce in your step.

You are all smiles.

It may be cloudy outside but all of the sudden those clouds have parted and the sun is shining.

Are you catching my drift?

You feel supported, happy, confident, alive, energized!

The point I’m trying to make here is this:

When you think about the people in your life … personally and professionally.  How do you feel about YOURSELF when you are with them?

I’m sure you can make a list of people who make you feel amazing.

And I’d also put money on the fact that you can probably ID some peeps who do the opposite.

Personally …

  • I’ve had improv coaches who made me feel smart and funny and supported.  And improv coaches who made me feel insecure and dumb and out of touch.
  • I’ve had bosses who have counciled, coached and cheered me on.  And I’ve had bosses who manipulate, scare and undermine.
  • I’ve had colleagues who have instructed, trusted and appreciated me.  And I’ve had colleagues who have back stabbed, lied and gossiped.
  • And I’ve got friends who love and laugh with me.  And I’ve had friends that make me feel stressed, controlled and out of touch.

Bottom line … 

It goes back to one of my favorites Q’s in life ….  how do you want to feel?

Just like we should be chasing feelings as part of our goals in biz and life.   Same goes for our relationships!

How do YOU want to FEEL when your with someone?

Here’s why it matters!


Ok, to bring it full circle …

I challenge you to not only BE someone who makes others FEEL good … but to see that out on the regular.

I can promise you two things:

  1. You WILL encounter difficult peeps in life / biz and each difficult encounter will teach you lessons.
  2. It will make you REALLY REALLY appreciate the amazing people in your life who make you feel incredible.

Now, I’d love to hear from you on this:

What do you do to make sure that you leave every person you encounter feeling better than before?

Make sure you so “HOLLA Back” in the comments below!

Also, I’d love to work with you or your company  …
I speak, coach and train on my Brandprov Framework.  So check out my speaking page right here on my website to find out more.
AND if you dig this video, share it with your buds and sign up for my FREE newsletter.
Thanks for watching, reading and sharing.



4 responses to “Here’s a Quick Way To Feel Amazing!”

  1. Doug Sandler Avatar
    Doug Sandler

    You are my cheerleader and I love you in the audience cheering me on. Life is made up of cheerleading moments. I love being a support and cheerleader for others and I appreciate the people in my life who make me feel INCREDIBLE!! Great post Judi! Working hard, doing my groove thing!

    1. You the man! Thanks for the comment Doug and keep rocking!

  2. Anne Marie Kjelland Avatar
    Anne Marie Kjelland

    Awesome Judi! Do you do any meeting-dialogue facilitation?

    1. Hi Anne Marie … it’s possible. Email me at and we can set up a time to talk more details.

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