How Improv Comedy Can Change Your Mindset!


One of my favorite things about Improv comedy is that it has taught me how to “Improv” life. 

Here’s what I mean …

Life is already hard enough.  We are all doing more with less and we deal with all kinds of personalities.

We have jobs, and families, and friends, and partners, and kids, and careers that need us and depend on us. 

And the problems we have these days are real problems, serious problems.  

Things can change in a heartbeat and on the fly we have to be able to be nimble and flexible, espeically if we want to be marketable in our careers.  

The improvisation mindset will help strip away control, help you face fear and teach you to embrace the life’s truths, absurdities, and realities.

The lessons in Improv are simple — so freaking simple that they are almost deceptive. 

Improv teaches us to unlearn all we’ve learned and adopt a new mindset.

In this weeks show I want to take you to Improv church and share with you my favorite nuggets o’ improv wisdom: 


Now, I’d love to hear from you … which Improv lesson resonates with you the most and why?

Make sure you so “HOLLA back” in the comments below!

Also, I’d love to work with you or your company … I speak, coach and train on my Brandprov ™ Framework.  So check out my speaking page right here on my website to find out how to work with me.

AND if you dig this video, share it with your buds and make sure you sign up for my weekly newsletter so you get these videos and more delivered right to your inbox.

As always, thank you for watching, reading and sharing this video!







4 responses to “How Improv Comedy Can Change Your Mindset!”

  1. Christy Avatar

    WOW! Loved this Judi. Follow your fear is probably my fav, but really love ghosting! and your explanation of listening. Thank you! Love your emails!

    1. Thanks Christy! Ah yess … ghosting! So simple and so good!! It can really be a game changer. Life moves waaaaay to fast! Thanks for the comment and for reading. Glad you enjoy it!! Keep the comments coming … I love it!

  2. Doug Sandler Avatar
    Doug Sandler

    It’s amazing to me how many similarities there are between improv and LIFE. Oh, hold up, LIFE IS IMPROV….there is no dress rehearsal peeps. This is LIFE let’s get to it. Great post girl. Love your enthusiasm and your passion shines thru. Keep going. Heard you were a big star last week. LOVE that! xo

    1. Hey Doug! Thanks for the comment and could not agree more. No dress rehearsal peeps! Last week went great … thank you for the emotional support!!!!

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