How to be loving with Danielle LaPorte Episode 139

How to be Loving with Danielle LaPorte

How to be loving is such an important topic today.  With everything going on in the world, it’s easy to feel like a bystander in life. Is life happening to you, or are you steering the ship? Today on the show, Judi is joined by author, spiritual leader, and member of Oprah’s SuperSoul100 group, Danielle LaPorte. Danielle and Judi talk about the distinction between virtues and values and why working on your own inner peace is the noblest thing you can do amidst outer chaos. Remember: Energy follows thought. If you think it, you will begin to feel it. Some of Danielle’s small reminders, like these, are keys that can help us live more love-focused, heart-centered lives.  

Today on Yes, And:

  • Evolve or die!
  • Who was Danielle in high school? 
  • Making the distinction between virtues and values
  • How to “be the opposite of the chaos”
  • What “Yes, And” means to Danielle? 

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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

Top Quotes:

  1. “We’re meant to change. If we don’t change, the universe is going to force some change upon you and shake you up.”“I never feel like something is being taken away from me. I really believe that the universe is friendly and that everything is for me to expand. There’s no regrets. Everything makes me more of who I am.”
  2. “The anxiety and the panic was underneath the surface and the world health situation just squeezed it out of everybody.”
  3. “Fear is one of my dearest companions in life because I know it’s either going to keep me real safe or it’s going to change my life in ways I can’t even imagine. When I open the door despite my fear, crazy shit has happened.”