episode 95 how to be more creativity with Ansley from dora Mae jewelry

How To Be More Creative with Ansley Schrimsher

On this high vibe episode of Yes, And, Judi we talk about how to be more creative with the Queen of Creativity, Ansley! Owner and creator of Dora Mae, a unique, repurposed jewelry company, Ansley is a well of creativity and ingenuity. Her company is where fashion meets spirituality, and she’s here to share some tips on being a female in business and how to unleash your inner creative side, whether you consider yourself to be creative or not! Plus, be sure to listen until the end of the show to get a special discount code to treat yourself to some shiny new jewelry! 

Today on Yes, And:

  • The sweet story behind the name Dora Mae
  • How Ansley’s feminine spirit intertwines with her creativity 
  • Leading a business with intention will lead to it thriving
  • How to uncover your inner creativity 
  • Art as a tool for creating authentic connections 

Top 5 Quotes:

  1. I realized when I went into my creative flow, nobody’s system could touch me there. There was no black and white; the world was full of color. 
  2. Authentic expression creates authentic connection. 
  3. When I create from that authentic place, it connects with other people’s authentic place. And then that creates authentic connection and relationship, which is the whole reason I think we’re on this planet.
  4. It’s when you get lost that the best ideas are found. 
  5. I want to not create jewelry. I want to create the joy of transformation, and the beauty of new life. 

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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions