How to Get Your Money Mindset Right with Jen Gitomer

It’s all about the money mindset today.  Jen Gitomer is a sales and energetics mentor and bestselling author who helps entrepreneurs create a business that supports their dreams rather than one they need to build their life around. After leaving the corporate grind in 2016, Jen built a six-figure coaching business within six months. In today’s episode, Judi and Jen talk about Jen’s journey to becoming her all-time favorite boss after she–literally–passed out from being overworked within corporate America. They talk all about the constant money mindset conversation.  The one you have with yourself and others is required to change your money mindset, and they offer up some subtle but powerful shifts to help you find prosperity so you can quit blocking yourself from the blessings you deserve.

Today on Yes, And:

  • Quit shit-talking money, or it’ll never find you!
  • Making your affirmations declarations  
  • Physically entering the world, you want your future self to live in
  • Some common mindset habits that block abundance
  • How to become the best boss you’ve ever had 

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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

Top Quotes: 

  1. “It crossed my mind that you can literally live on vacation, every day, and work. We bought this place two years ago, to rent it out, but, ever since we got here, I just never left. It’s amazing.
  2. “We’re always manifesting, it’s just a matter if you’re manifesting what you really want or what you don’t want.”
  3. “No one’s going to write on your tombstone, ‘Was a great worker.’ That’s not what people remember about you.”
  4. “If all your money goes away tomorrow, you will figure out something else. That’s the beauty of what we do as entrepreneurs.”
  5. “In education, we’re taught the red pen. We’re taught to look for the mistakes and the failures–that’s how the teachers gave us feedback. Now, we do that to ourselves as adults. Instead of red-penning your life, why not look for the good things?”