How To Beat The Fear of Following Your Dreams!

“I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened.” – Mark Twain
Are you nervous about making the jump into something you’ve been wanting to do for a while now?
Are you putting off something you want to do out of fear of the unknown?
Do you have a dream but feel that you’ll never be able to do it?
I’ve have totally been there too … and am actually in the middle of it right now in my life!
So I think about this a lot.
I have a lot of fears of the unknown.
I have a ton of “What if’s” and “I’m afraid’s” and “How will it work out’s?” and “Not now maybe later’s.”
And I’m sure you do too.
One thing I know for sure … is that if you keep talking to yourself like this … you’ll never do anything!
Life will just keep ticking by.
And honestly, what’s worse than regret?!
It’s all about putting your “fears” in check. 
For me, I like getting it all out there on paper so I can see how ridicilous my fears really are at times.
I want to share with you one of my favorite exercies in truth and clarity.   
So grab a notebook, your favorite pen, and get ready to brain vomit.
By answering the Q’s below you’ll start to find some focus … and some courage! 
Don’t over think it … I know you’ll try to.
Just take a deep breath and write.  This is an exercise in clearing out the fear from your brain and getting it on paper so you can see the reality of your fears.
Let’s go!
  1. What is the absolute WORST that could happen if you did what you are considering?  Define your nightmare.  Would it be the end of your life?  Are these things really permanent?
  2. What could you do to get things back on track if the worst case scenario happened?  I bet it’s easier than you imagine!
  3. What are the benefits of a more positive scenario?  Both internal (like self esteem and confidence) and external (helping others and making a better living).  Have people less intelligent than you done this before?
  4. If you were fired from your job today … what would you do to get your finances under control?
  5. What are you putting off out of fear?  99.9% of the time, the thing we are the most afraid of is what we MUST do!
  6. What is it costing you to NOT take action?   Emotionally, physically, financially.  If you don’t persue these things that excite you … where will you be in 5 years, 10 years, 20 years.   Inaction is the greatest risk of all!
  7. What are you waiting for?  Most likely you are afraid.  Just like the rest of the world.
It all starts right now!
Ready. Set. GO!
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HOLLA! Back,
Credits:  4 Hour Work Week 


2 responses to “How To Beat The Fear of Following Your Dreams!”

  1. Justin Plank Avatar
    Justin Plank

    Great article! “99.9% of the time, the thing we are the most afraid of is what we MUST do!” This is so true….

    1. Thanks Justin!!! So important!

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