The Book That Changed My Life!

“The old rules:  Play it safe.  Stay in your comfort zone.  Find an institution, a job, a set of rules to stick to.  Don’t fly too close to the sun.   THE NEW TRUTH:  It’s better to be sorry than safe.  You need to fly higher than ever. ” – Seth Godin
When I stumbled upon the work of Seth Godin over a year ago … I had no idea at the time how his work would change my life, my thinking and my future. 
It all started when I read this book … The Icarus Deception. 
It is 100% the most powerful, engaging, honest and captivating book I have ever read.
I’m hooked.  I refer to this book daily.  It is highlighed, written in and marked up all over.  I use it in my speeches.  I use it when coaching.  I send it as a gift.  And it pretty much goes everywhere with me.  
It constantly serves as a source of inspiration, motivation and spiritual guide as I go out there in this world hustling every day to live my truth and draw my own road map.   No matter how scary it gets.
As I read this book … it seemed that every 5 seconds I was saying to myself “Oh Hell Yes!” and it was like he was speaking direclty to me.  By far this is the most quotable book I have EVER read.  
I want to share this wisdom. I want you to know what I know.  And no one says it better than Seth.   
I hope these words inspire you the way they inspired me.   
I hope you go buy this book.
Get ready to have your mind blown.  
Here are my favorites:
  • “We settle for low expectations and small dreams and guarantee ourselves less than we are capabable of.  By flying too low, we shortchange not only ourselves but those who depend on us.  We are so obsessed about the RISK of shining brightly, we’ve traded in everything to avoid it.”
  • “Your generousity is more important than your perfection.”
  • “Every day on the other side of the door is a better day than on this side.   Every moment we wait, waiting for the perfect opportunity, is a moment wasted and worse yet, a door that closes, possibly to never open again.”
  • “Ideas are not enough without committment.”
  • “No one is going to pick you.  Pick yourself.”
  • “Art is what we do when we’re truly alive.”
  • “Courage is the willingness to speak the truth and own what you say.   And in order for there to be courage, there must be risk.”
  • “Just because you are winning a game doesn’t mean it’s a good game.”
  • “For the first time in history it doesn’t matter where you’re born or what your DNA is – the connection economy is waiting for you to step forward, with only the resistance to hold you back.”
  • “It’s not about what you’ve got … it’s about how brave you are prepared to be.”
  • “People are starting to wake up and realize that they don’t have to want what the system wants them to want.”
  • “The best art is made my artists who have no clue how it’s going to work out in the end.”
  • “Be just like no one else.”
  • “If you had a manager who talked to you the way you talk to yourself.  You’d quit.”
  • “Freedom isn’t the abliltiy to do whatever you want.  It’s the WILLINGNESS to do whatever you want.”
How high do you want to fly?
HOLLA BACK!  I’d love to hear from you in the comments below …
Be Well. Be Inspired!
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8 responses to “The Book That Changed My Life!”

  1. Deanna Avatar

    Judi, this is JUST what I needed to hear this week!! Your posts are always so inspiring….keep up the great work (seriously, I consider myself an avid reader, and you are always reccomending such great books. Adding another to my list)!! Deanna

    1. Hi Deanna!! So glad you got something from this … I’ll keep the books coming! Thanks for reading!

  2. Justin Plank Avatar
    Justin Plank

    Great timing on this….I just took a significant risk, and I have NO IDEA how it will play out, but what’s done is done and I’m going for it (despite some major critics).

    1. YES! Love to hear this Jusin … and would love to hear more about your “risk” one day soon!! Hunt me down at the next MPI meeting! Trust your gut and ignore the haters.

  3. I am inspired to take on the day! Thanks Judi

    1. Yah!!! That’s what I like to hear Corri! Go get ’em girl!

  4. Heather Larson Avatar
    Heather Larson

    I’ll be sure to pick it up soon.

    1. Yes, do it!!!! Thanks for reading Heather!

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