Is Fear Keeping You Stuck?


“May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.” – Nelson Mandela

Alright … I got a pretty bold statement to make.

I’m here to tell you … right here right now … that you need to love your fear.

You need to make out with it.

You need to give it all kinds of schmoopy affection. 

Why … because fear is a super juicy tank of gas that is going to jet blast you toward your dreams!!!

My favorite Marie Forleo describes fear as “excitement with the breaks on.” (I LOVE THAT!!!!)

She says that instead of fighting fear … wait for it …. you need to party with it!

It’s not about what you get out of the fear … it’s about what you get INTO it!

It’s about leaning into the fear.

It’s about staring that fear in the face and saying thank you fear I’ll have another!

I’m constantly doing things that terrify me.  

Why? Because I know I MUST if I want to live the life of my dreams.  

That’s what I am digging into this week …  

Here are 3 easy ways to turn fear into a love fest:


Now, I’d love to hear from you … how do you party with your fears??

Make sure you so “HOLLA back” in the comments below!

Also, I’d love to work with you or your company … I speak, coach and train on my Brandprov ™ Framework.  So check out my speaking page right here on my website to find out how to work with me.

AND if you dig this video, make sure you sign up for my weekly newsletter as well so you get these videos and more delivered right to your inbox.

As always, thank you for watching, reading and sharing this video.
You rock my world!

X’s and O’s, 


4 responses to “Is Fear Keeping You Stuck?”

  1. Doug Sandler Avatar
    Doug Sandler

    You know you are in a good place when you are scared because you only get scared when you do new things or things that make you feel out of control. Once you do it, you will master it. Public speaking, writing a blog, making cold calls, networking — all things that I used to be EXTREMELY scared of, now I am LOVING them. Those things now help define me now. “HEY FEAR? Buzz off, I’m getting busy at successing.” 😉 Great post Judi! xo

    1. I’m getting busy at “successing.” Love it!! And so true … I love to party with my fear and that is what it’s all about. Thanks for the awesome comment!

  2. How does one manage fear when the result of the fear may be what they fear? Does one keep pushing when their instinct tells them it may be best to back off? May be holding off when one suspects the answer to their fear is unclear to the thing the or person you are fearing. Such as fears answer or reply could be not what want to hear? I never quite know quite what to do in that situation. Is there wisdom in giving space? Any comments Judi?

    1. Hey Jill! Interesting thought and curious what others would say … however, my gut reaction is to always go with your gut reaction. If your bones are telling you to back off, then maybe you need to. However, it’s a fine line, b/c fear can keep us stuck and safe. So sometimes, even if we may not like the answer or the outcome, it’s better to push forward and “know” so there can be closure and you can move on.

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