key #1 Take responsibility for your energy

Key #1: Take Responsibility For Your Energy

Key #1 in the series is here.  As a leader, you have got to protect your own energy at all costs! Because good people will lead and good people have good energy. Today’s episode is the first of twelve key life and business lessons to help you open the door to more possibilities in your own life. First and foremost, be responsible for the energy you bring into any room. As human beings, we feel energy because that’s what we are–magical bodies of energy currents vibing one way or the other. So take responsibility for your energy and know that it’s okay to walk away when you know you’re in the presence of someone who’s not. This is an episode that you will not want to miss.

Today on Yes, And:

  • Take responsibility for your energy
  • Don’t poop on our playground
  • The hard truth about bad energy
  • Why you should never dim your light 
  • Setting energy boundaries


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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

Top Quotes:

  1. “If you’ve gotten that limiting belief into your head, we can also get it out of there.”
  2. “If you are not having fun, you are the jerkbag.”
  3. “Bad energy can destroy cultures, teams, projects and can put a chokehold on creativity.”
  4. “I have a zero-tolerance policy for negative people, places and or things. This does not mean that I do not need to deal with negative people, but you do not need to dim your light to make anyone more comfortable.”