Key #3 – Goal-Focused planning is the one thing that fundamentally changed the course of Judi’s life.  

The life tool that is the backbone of who she is and all that she does? Drum roll, please… It’s this: Goal. Focused. Planning. Goal-focused planning is the next life and business key, number three of twelve, that will help you unlock the door to more possibilities in your life. Goal-focused planning blends personal life and professional life together, making each more efficient, rewarding, and fun. Listen up, y’all. If it’s good enough for Judi, it’s good enough for you. So buckle up and take notes!

Today on Yes, And:

  • What Goal-Focused Planning is and how it entered into Judi’s orbit
  • The five keys of Goal-Focused Planning


Connect with Judi:

This show is produced by Soulfire Productions


Top Quotes:

  1. “I believe to the core of my being that goal-focused planning has been key for me. If you do not have a system in place to dust off your dreams, keep you in forward momentum, and prioritize yourself along the way, it is easy for your dreams to collect dust.”
  2. Judi Holler“My definition of Goal Focused Planning is this: the momentum-focused approach of working in small windows to cultivate abundance, activate confidence and get results.”
  3. “You don’t need to be confident to go do new things and open new doors. It is the opening of new doors and the doing of new things that make you more confident.”