key #8 the day I got a cease and desist episode 143

Key #8: The Day I Got a Cease & Desist 

Key #8: The day I got a cease and desist.  Back in 2014, Judi received a cease and desist order from another entrepreneur, claiming that Judi had stolen her hashtag. At the time, she couldn’t see the good in what felt like a purely bad situation. In this episode, Judi shares her next life and business key, number eight of twelve, that will help you unlock the door to more possibilities in your life. The story of Judi’s cease and desist letter teaches us lots of lessons, not only about business, trademarks, and the legal system, but it also shows how things play out differently when we lead with love, not fear.  The day I got the case and desist changed everything.

Today on Yes, And:

  • Baby Judi: The early days of finding her footing as content creator
  • Asking for permission to use “Fear Boss” (Open the door and lead with love, not fear)

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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

Top Quotes:

  1. “I think, deep down, I always knew that my greatest calling and my deepest desire in this lifetime is to public speak. Speaking is the love of my life. I feel grateful that I get to do that every day.”
  2. “As a creator, you are always borrowing from the universe. So if you’re in business of any shape, kind or size, you’re likely going to come against someone questioning your intellectual property.”
  3. “We never know what is good or bad. That traffic light that wouldn’t turn could have saved you from getting in a horrible accident five minutes earlier. You never know.”
  4. “When you wake up every day with the core belief that things are happening for you and not to you, you will never lose.”“Sometimes we need to cease and desist in order to awaken the path that we’re really supposed to be on.