key #9 go faster and be less perfect episode 144

Key #9: Go Faster and Be Less Perfect

Go Faster and Be Less Perfect.  Fear lies at the root of perfectionism and, if you haven’t heard yet, its number one job is to stop you. In today’s solo, Judi shares her next life and business key, number nine of ten, that will help you unlock the door to more possibilities in your life. She talks about an important idea that is essential to any entrepreneur’s development and success: Go faster and be less perfect. Yes, it may be scary to make sales calls when your website still needs some work, and it may make you nervous to make that post when the graphic is imperfect, but just make the move! Because movement builds momentum, and momentum builds confidence which releases the anxiety that putting things off is creating. Don’t be a cog in the wheel of your own life and business. Show up, even when things are a bit out of place. 

Today on Yes, And:

  • Identify whatever type of season you’re in and lean in
  • Less excuses, more movement, and execution
  • What are you not doing because it’s not perfect yet?
  • Remember: movement is the antidote to fear

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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

Top Quotes:

  1. “You will go through seasons, and these seasons will change your life. There are going to be seasons that feel so great and joyful, but there are also going to be seasons that make you feel anything but, and that’s okay! I’d rather see you move, even if it’s not perfect than allow a season of your life to stop the momentum that you have created for yourself.”
  2. “Perfectionism has been one of my bad habits for a long time.”
  3. “I really think the best thing you can do in business is moving faster and be less perfect. It’s the momentum that builds confidence and releases the anxiety in your brain space that putting it off is taking up.”
  4. “The one thing that separates those who are winning from those who are not is movement: Winners move, those who aren’t winning don’t.”