The secret to living a happy, healthy life!

“Among those whom I like or admire, I can find no common denominator, but among those whom I love, I can: all of them make me laugh.” — W. H. Auden
As I sit to write this post I’m a bit behind on some things, writing this weeks blog post is one of them.  Usually I’m ahead of the game … I’ll typically write the week prior so I only edit on Monday nights.  But somehow the weeks have caught up with me and I’m chasing a deadline.   Ah … so is life!
So last night I got back from Jazz Fest in New Orleans. If you have never been to Jazz Fest, or New Orleans for that matter, put it on your list STAT! Such an incredible weekend of food, music and lots of laughter.
I laughed so much and so often this weekend that my stomach still aches.  It also made me immediately feel inspired to change this weeks blog post to the POWER of LAUGHTER!
I have to say … every time I am around the people I love … I laugh.  A LOT!   And better yet … I always end the night, weekend or day feeling younger, more alive, refreshed, happy, lighter … loved.
I believe the health benefits of laughter are so powerful.
Laughter lightens your burdens, inspires hope, connects you with others. Laughter keeps you grounded, focused and alert.
Who needs Acai berries or cashing your “Whole Pay Check” at Whole Foods to chase the latest health food craze?! How about serving up some laughter into your daily routine.  Free, awesome and FUN!
Let’s look at some of laughter’s amazing health benefits:

  1. It’s contagious … in a good way!
  2. It protects the heart … laughing improves the way the blood vessels function and increases blood flow, both of which can help protect you from a heart attack and other cardio problems.
  3. It protects your mind …  Laughing releases endorphins, which are the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphins promote an overall sense of happiness and wellness. They can also temporarily relieve pain.  Bonus!
  4. It boosts your immune system … laughter makes those stress hormones totally chill out which will skyrocket your immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, in turn making you more resistant to disease. Yah!
  5. It relaxes you … A good old fashioned belly laugh relieves tension and stress, which will leave your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes post belly laugh!
Now … how do you bring more laughter to your life?  Here are my suggestions:
  1. Go see an Improv show or some stand up (posting later this week with my favorite shows in Chicago!)
  2. If you hear laughter, move towards it!
  3. Stop taking yourself so seriously
  4. Watch more comedies / read funny books
  5. Hang with funny people
  6. Smile
  7. Count your blessings
  8. In conversations with others this week,  ask if anything funny happened this week to them.
  9. Let go of defensiveness
  10. Be more spontaneous

What are some things you do in your daily life to laugh more?

Be well.  Be Inspired!

Follow the conversation on Twitter at #tribeholla


7 responses to “The secret to living a happy, healthy life!”

  1. Hi Judi, I agree about laughter. I’m one of those annoying people that can’t seem to laugh if I’m watching a comedy by myself, I need the social feeling to be able to do that.

    It’s amazing how just smiling can make our day seem so much better. That coupled with blue skies and sunshine is the most awesome feeling when having a bad day.

    1. Hi Jamie! Thanks for reading and for the comment. I too love the social aspect of laughing and how contagious it is! However, I can totally crack up by myself, even at myself. Ha! Have great day … and keep on laughing!

  2. Judi you are inspiring! Laughter is the best medicine. I sometimes find myself laughing at something so totally out of the blue while I am driving. The other drivers around me must think I am nuts.

    1. Hi Lesly!! Oh I so love random fits of laughter … especially when alone. Thanks for the post … happy weekend!

  3. Mary Calvert Avatar
    Mary Calvert

    Great message. You are on target once again.

    1. Thanks Mary … that means a lot!! So appreciate you reading!!

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