Let's take the shame out of shameless self promotion!

Let’s Take The Shame out of Shameless Self-Promotion!

Let’s Take the Shame Out of Shameless Self-Promotion is the topic of today’s show. If people don’t know who you are or what you do, how do you plan on getting booked or selling anything?! Like it or not, self-promotion is one of the unavoidable truths of entrepreneurship, and keynote speaking is no exception. In today’s solo, Judi gives a taste of Speaker School by sharing three game-changing ideas at the root of her success as a keynote speaker. These concepts will help you prepare, perform and ensure you make a lasting impression on your audience and the meeting planner that booked you.

Today on Yes, And:

  • Top qualities meeting planners look for in a keynote speaker
  • How to turn every speech into your next opportunity
  • Judi’s tip to become a lead generation machine 
  • The $10,000 framework Judi uses to write every speech from scratch
  • Let’s Take the Shame Out of Shameless Self-Promotion

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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions.

Top Quotes: 

  1.  “Nothing will grow your business, or ignite your career, faster than stepping on stage.” 
  2. “Of course, your job as a speaker is to transform an audience and provide value, but you’re also on a mission to make the meeting planner a star.”
  3. “The core elements of any killer keynote should be: goal, problem, truth, change, and action.”


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