Make More Money Using Abundance Codes with Jessica Zweig

Make More Money Using Abundance Codes with Jessica Zweig is the topic of today’s show. Judi chats for the second time – that’s right, the SECOND time – with the best-selling author, podcaster, and CEO of the personal branding agency, SimplyBe, Jessica Zweig. A lot can change in a year when you’re living the Yes, And mindset, and a lot has changed since Jessica last joined Judi on the pod. After flirting with total burnout and nearly selling her business, Jessica took a 15-day trip to Egypt to take space from work and initiate the mental, physical, and spiritual reset she desperately needed. Since this pivotal trip, Jessica has been applying abundance codes to her life and business, which she will discuss today. Listen in as Judi and Jessica talk about how to make more money using abundance codes by making money, loving money, giving money away, and doing it all healthily and sustainably.

Today on Yes, And:

  • Post-Egypt: How Jessica shifted the energy of her business
  • Forgetting everything you think you know about money and wealth
  • Money “seasons” and the art of receiving
  • How to attain the state overflow
  • Being grateful for the stuff that you don’t already have
  • Make More Money Using Abundance Codes with Jessica Zweig

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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

Top Quotes: 

  • “Your business will only grow to the extent of which you grow as a person–that’s the truth.”
  • “It doesn’t matter if you run a 1,000-person company or a ten person team, it all starts at the top. If you’re the face, founder or owner it starts with your energy. You demonstrate what you expect your team to do based on how you show up.”
  •  “I think the biggest unlearning that I have had around money is that I have to work really hard to make it. That, unless I hustle, I don’t deserve it. And that’s a lie.”
  • “We, as women, can’t even fucking accept a compliment, so how are we going to accept millions of dollars or the love of our life to choose us?”
  • “Money wants you to do good with it. So, if you’re a good person, with good intentions, with a big ass purpose. It’s meant for you to have money–money knows!”