My #1 Stay Focused Secret!


“Writing is the best way to talk, without being interrupted.” – Jules Renard

In this busy and hectic world we live in … you need time to be heard.

Things move to fast and if you don’t stop to smell the roses from time to time, you’ll miss it all.    Ferris Bueller was right on the money with that thought!

I’m always looking for ways to do the important things more effectively and in less time. 

Productivity hacks have become my latest obsession!

And this week I’m sharing my latest and greatest tip that will really be an eye opener for you and help you stay focused.

Click here to watch this weeks video to learn what I”m talking about:


So now … I’d love to hear from you … 

Do you Journal and if so, share your tips below to on how you keep it up every day?

I LOVE reading your comments so make sure you so “HOLLA back” in the comments below!

Also, I’d love to work with you or your company … I speak, coach and train on my Brandprov ™ Framework.  So check out my speaking page right here on my website to find out how to work with me.

As always, thank you for watching, reading and sharing this video.



PS – If you dig this video or know someone who would, pass it on!

Click HERE to contact me.
Follow the conversation on Twitter @judiholler or on the Facebook fan page.


2 responses to “My #1 Stay Focused Secret!”

  1. Joyce Paschall Avatar
    Joyce Paschall

    Cool post, Judi! I used to journal every day – well, I should call it “mini-journal” or “journalita” (meaning, Little Journal!) because it wasn’t a lot of words and not always reflective. But I wrote about the day and the events and people in it and what I did, what I need to do next, etc. The ONLY way I was able to keep this up was by using a dated (meaning year-specific) calendar-planner with weekly pages. I learned that a blank journal-journal was just too wide open for me and too intimidating. I love the idea of it but not the reality. And even a planner with one page for each day… too much space to fill and I’d avoid it altogether. So for me this meant a small (but large enough to comfortably write in) weekly planner in a design I’m drawn to (not to business-y and not to and frilly), and super-important to me in a COLOR I love (which happens to be purple) was what fit the bill.

    Somewhere a few years ago I fell off the journalita-ing wagon and haven’t gotten back on. This was after YEARS of doing it. But I recently bought one for 2016 and want to jump back in, this time with a bit more focus which I think I will base off your categories!

    1. Thanks Joyce! And I am LOVING “journalita” … so stealing that … it’s so good! Love the idea of a dated calendar too. And that’s what’s so key here … it being short and sweet and ONE page. That’s what mine is … one simple page. I think when it’s an open book with tons of blank pages staring at you … this is where we lose it! I know it feels so over whelming. So this idea of a dated calendar is perfect. I think when I get done with the notebook I’m using now, I’ll take your idea and do just that. Thanks for the awesome comment … love the idea!

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