my top 3 mental fitness rituals episode 118

My Top Three Mental Fitness Rituals

Mental fitness is something we should all pay attention to.  We all know exercise is important for a healthy body, but what about our minds? So many of us tend to ignore, and even neglect, our mental fitness. So today on the show, Judi is tackling that very subject! She shares her top tips for creating more mental strength and clarity in your life, and gives you the motivation to start these practices today. Listen to learn about the science behind rewiring your brain and how to start using fear experiments and other mental challenges to accelerate your growth. 

Today on Yes, And:

  • Judi shares her top 3 tips on mental fitness
  • The biology behind rewiring your brain to your benefit
  • How to release yourself from living in the victim mindset
  • Why using fear experiments will be a game-changer for you

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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions