Why You Need A Daily Ritual!

“Routine, in an intelligent man, is a sign of ambition.” – W.H. Auden, Poet
I’m kind of obsessed with rituals.
Daily rituals … like what you do each morning or evening before you wind down.
I’m so into it that i just read a book all about it.
It’s called Daily Rituals.
And it digs into how some of the most famous creators on earth create.
It’s all about how the greatest minds over the past 400 years approach their daily tasks.
How they organize their days in order to be the most creative and productive they can be.
People like Mozart, Picasso, Benjamin Franklin and so many others!
I’m always asking the question …
How do you do meaningful creative work while also earning a living?  
OR … Is it better to devote yourself wholly to a project or is it better to set aside small chunks of time each day?
AND when there doesn’t feel like enough time in the day … what must you give up?   Sleep, income, a clean house? 
Or can you learn to “work smarter not harder”?
This is what we are digging into on this episode of The #Brandprov Show … the daily rituals and habits that cultivate success.
In this weeks video … I review some of my favorite discoveries from the book!
[youtube]http://youtu.be/cFBlm3AJ4Kw[/youtube]So now, I’d love to hear your perspective!

What daily rituals do you have that keep you moving forward?

I cannot wait to hear from you and have you HOLLA BACK in the comments below.

As always, thanks for watching, reading and sharing …

X’s and O’s,


2 responses to “Why You Need A Daily Ritual!”

  1. Joyce Paschall Avatar
    Joyce Paschall

    This dovetails (somehow, not quite sure yet what the meaning of the link will become in my brain!) with a book I recently read, and very much enjoyed, called “The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business.” My key take-away from that book was essentially the brain’s construction of the habit loop and how to change those you’re not so crazy about with something better – at what point in the loop you can intervene to create a different habit. For example, you want to exercise after work but after you come home, you look at the mail, realize you’re hungry, start to figure dinner out…. and never make it to the club. Instead, you could come inside and immediately go change into workout clothes, which sets you on a different path and ultimately becomes your habit…and ritual.

    Anyway, Judi, this episode has reminded me that I want to go back and re-read some of the Habits… book, PLUS now I want to approach it from both sides – not just looking for “bad” habits to change but for supportive rituals to add. Thanks!

    1. Hey Joyce! What a killer comment. I meant to tell you this last night. I am putting this book on my reading list immediately. You know I’m a junkie. Rituals are powerful things and good habits create positive change. Choice is a powerful asset we all have. I too struggle with making better choices in some areas of my live … but all this helps … patterns, baby steps, rituals and one day at a time. Love to hear this episode resonated. Can’t thank you enough for reading and watching. Cheers!

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