Our Top 3 Business Lessons of 2022

Business Lessons are the topic of today’s episode. Today on the show, Judi and Amanda pull back the curtain and share a story about a time when an agency they had hired dished out some constructive criticism about their business practices. They were told that they needed to make some big, fundamental changes in order to be more efficient. After hearing this, Judi was forced to face the fact that her fiery, “go get ‘em” mentality isn’t always a good thing. Business lessons can help us grow and Judi had to ask herself, “Could your reluctance to change be rooted in fear and actually be an excuse to not face what is that you need to face in order to maximize your life and business?” Tune in to hear the top three business lessons Judi and Amanda learned in 2022 that propelled them on the rocket of success.

Today on Yes, And:

  • When Amanda and Judi got put in “time out”
  • How focus leads to restraint
  • Assigning roles as the visionary and integrator
  • Judi and Amanda’s top three business lessons of 2022

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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

Top Quotes: 

  1. “For Judi and I, we know how we work together. We’re used to all of the quirks and shifts, but, when other people are witnessing it, it looks chaotic. It took someone from the outside, in a very loving way, to say, ‘Hold on, this is chaos and you’re actually working against yourself.’”
  2. “We shredded the way we’re doing things and reimagined our agenda and team meetings.”
  3. “I was spending way too much time with my phone in my hand, looking around at what everyone else was doing, and it stole my focus. You need to be spending at least 80% of your day with your eyes on your own paper or you’re going to get in a lot of trouble.”
  4. “What I hope is that the transformation you witness in myself–and anyone else in your orbit that you follow that moves you–illuminates the beast within you that is maybe lying dormant.”