Permission Granted: Don’t Let Guilt Get In Your Way!

Permission granted!  In our fast-paced, modern world, women have more responsibilities than ever. For many of us, our own needs consistently get pushed to the side in favor of our roles and responsibilities as mothers and partners. When we do put ourselves first, it’s often followed by waves of guilt. In today’s solo, Judi explains why permission is granted and we should really be putting ourselves first and helps us dismantle the internal guilt that keeps getting in the way of us being our truest, fully expressed, selves. 

Today on Yes, And:

  • What it actually means to be guilty—you’ve probably got it all wrong
  • Why you can be an incredible mom and do the thing you’ve been putting off
  • Confronting the fear on the other side of change
  • Judi’s favorite ways to check yourself before you wreck yourself
  • Permission granted!  Go do you.

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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

Top Quotes: 

  1. “I really believe that for any new habit we are trying to build for ourselves, what we’re really talking about isn’t motivation, but the permission to prioritize ourselves and not feeling bad about it.”
  2. “Why do we feel guilty when we’re actually trying to do something right? We dress rehearse tragedy and take ourselves through cycles of guilt that really hold us back.”
  3. “Excuses are fear wrapped up in the skin of the lies that we tell ourselves because we are afraid of something bigger.”