Why Playing It Safe Will Ruin Your Life!


“Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.” –  George Addair

I’ve been thinking a lot about why certain people find success and change the world and why other people don’t.

What I’ve found is that most of the world shakers and change makers out there have one thing in common …

They DO NOT play it safe!

Listen, our instinct in life is to play it safe.

To blend in … to hide.

To fit in … not stand out.

And guess what?!  This behavior will ruin your life.

We HAVE to put ourselves out there if we want anything GOOD to happen in our life.

In the Improv theatre we are taught to NOT play it safe.

To jump in there.

To do the thing we think we can’t.

And when I started doing this on stage it gave me the courage to start doing it in life.

It was in that moment that everything started changing for me.

I stopped hiding and started living.

That’s what we are digging into today on this episode of The Brandprov show.

I’m dropping some truth bombs about playing it safe!

(PS – I do a little KARAOKE and even do the ROBOT in this video to get my point across … keep an eye out for it around the 2:00 minute mark! )


So now … I’d love to hear your perspective … 

What is holding you back from making the choices to move your life forward?

I cannot wait to hear from you and “Holla Back” below.

Thanks so much for watching, reading and sharing this video!

X’s and O’s, 


10 responses to “Why Playing It Safe Will Ruin Your Life!”

  1. Doug Sandler Avatar
    Doug Sandler

    Playing it safe is for suckers…shake it up a bit and make some changes. Thanks for the reminder Judi! xo

    1. It is for suckas!!! Thanks Doug!!!

  2. FEAR is what holds me back. Exactly as you said in your video. No-one wants to look like an idiot or be rejected 🙁 I must admit as I get older I tend to not care as much anymore but I still have a ways to go before I reach my full “selling” potential. Keep the Brandprov’s coming Judi. Always so enjoyable on a Monday morning !

    1. Hi Kim!! And as an entreprenuer you totally get this! Rejection is tough but missing out on life b/c of fear is WAY worse! And I agree, my skin totally gets tougher as I get older. Thanks for watching and for the support!

  3. Donna Mitsos Avatar
    Donna Mitsos

    Another great piece of information and great reminder!
    Wondering too of any workshops you can recommend. I have somewhat recently attended the Wright Institute here in Chicago and found that much of the material you cover is also in their program Can you recommend any workshops or seminars that reinforce all of these great life skills and training. I am a much better learner when I am committed to attending and learning.

    1. Hi Donna! Thanks for the awesome comment. And let me think on the workshop thing. I know I have workshops of my own and I’m actually in the process of running them in Chicago. Stay tuned! Also, there is tons of good stuff on line … I am obsessed with TED talks and you can search so much there. Also, if you like my stuff you’ll LOVE Marie Forleo. Check out her videos. She is totally my inspiration!

      1. Donna Mitsos Avatar
        Donna Mitsos

        Hi Judi, I am a big fan of Ted Talks too! I would love more info on your workshops. Will definitely look at Maria Forleo as well. Thanks for all you do…you are an inspiration!

  4. Georgia Costanza Avatar
    Georgia Costanza

    Wish I would have read this a few weeks ago.

  5. Georgia Costanza Avatar
    Georgia Costanza

    Last year I took some risks and had the time of my life. While I struggled financially, I was happy and scared in a good way. I was hopeful. I started a couple of small businesses and took side work where I could get it. I recently made the decision to join a Fortune 100 company for the paycheck and I am hating every minute of it. I can barely get out of bed.

    1. Georgia, thanks for the comment and I hate to hear you are miserable. However, you know only you can change that. This life is way too short to be miserable!!! What made you stop taking those risks? I bet the resistance got the best of you. Read Steven Pressfield’s Book, War of Art and let it re-inspire you!

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