The Power of Words: 3 Questions You Must Ask Yourself

“Raise your words … not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers … not thunder.” – Rami
Have you ever had one of those moments when something comes out of your mouth and the very second you say it you wish you could put it right back in?!
Oh I have.
And it’s happened more than once. (shocker)
I guess one good thing about this is that I always speak my mind.
However, the flip side … I sometimes say things I shouldn’t.
I bet you can relate.
You are human.  You are going to say things you don’t mean.
It’s a part of life.
However … you have to censor.
You have to understand that your words are powerful.
I recently heard Deepak Chopra give a keynote at a conference I was attending.
In his Keynote, he spoke about the power of our words.
That our words can be powerful tools …. or powerful means of desctruction.
Words can wound.  Words can heal.
Think of moments in your life where something was said to you that motivated you beyond belief.
Think of all the quotes you love, that inpsire you, that keep you moving.
Now …
Think of the words in your life that have hurt you, held you back, or have stuck with you in a negative way.
Deepak gave us the following challenge …
Before you say anything to anyone … you shoud ask yourself the following 3 questions:
  1. Is it TRUE?
  2. Is it NECESSARY?
  3. Is it KIND?
Think of how your life will change if you start asking youself these 3 questions before you say anything to anyone!
Think of how differently you’ll be perceived!
Think of how you will make people FEEL!
Is it True. Is it Necessary. Is it Kind.
Write this down.  Put it in your office, at home, on your mirror, in the car.
Raise your words.
How have someone’s words impacted you … good or bad?
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One response to “The Power of Words: 3 Questions You Must Ask Yourself”

  1. Doug Sandler Avatar
    Doug Sandler

    Yup….as a self proclaimed previous BIG mouth, I often times said things that i wish I hadn’t, sometimes just to be funny or “shocking”…not a good way to win friends. Fortunately I live by the motto my 5th grade band teacher had on the chalk board. “Be sure brain is engaged before putting mouth in gear.”

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