Productivity: 9 Habits to Stop Now!

“What you don’t do, determines what you CAN do.” – Tim Ferriss
I’m really obsessed with productivity. 
I’m always trying to find ways to work smarter, not harder.
I just feel that there is so much work to do … but so little time. 
I’m always hustling on that clock.
I crave more time.
And I would be willing to bet you feel the same way.
How will you ever get ahead?
When will things slow down?
Should you stay later, work harder, and just push push push?
I mean sometimes it feels like it’s your only option.
However, I’m here to tell you it’s not!
There are a few simple things you can start doing right now at work and in the office to be more productive.
Which will in turn, give you TIME back.
So let’s get this party started!
Below are 8 totally common (and super stressful) habits that entrepenuers and office workers should eliminate:
  1. Don’t answer calls from numbers you don’t recognize.  If you’re not already doing this I’m shocked, but only answer calls you know.  This elminates interruptions and distractions.
  2. Do NOT check email first thing in the morning or last thing at night.  This will jack up all your priorites for the day and the latter will keep you awake.  Email can wait until after you tackle your important to-do items.
  3. Do not agree to meetings, OR calls, without a clear agenda.  This will allow everyone to understand the goal of the meeting and set a clear end time so things stay productive and focused.
  4. Don’t let people ramble.  And work on not rambling yourself!   A big part of getting things done is getting to the point.
  5. Stop checking email all day.  This one is HUGE!!!  Chasing emails around all day is a dangerous path. You will waste a a ton of time and end up executing other peoples agendas, not yours. Get your work done and then check email.  Set up auto-responders.  Check only 2-3 times daily.  If you can stick to this alone your life will change dramatically!
  6. Don’t over commincate with low profit, high-drama customers.  While there is no guaranteed path to success …. I do know that trying to please everyone is a sure-fire way to fail.  Spend the most time with the customers producing 80% of your profit.
  7. Don’t be a workaholic.  Priorize!  If you don’t … then everything seems urgent and you end up working crazy hours getting nothing done b/c your exhausted and lacking focus.  Focus on the big important times and knock them off one by one.
  8. Don’t have your cell on you 24-7.  Take at least one day off.  I know phones are magical (I’m anxiously awaiting my iPhone 6!!) but leave it at home from time to time so you can be fully present in YOUR life.  At work, turn the ringer off … At home, find a day each week to go “phone free”. You’ll be amazed how much time you find when you look up!
  9. Don’t Fall Down the Facebook Black Hole.  Set 1-2 times per day where you check social media.   Any more you become distracted and lose focus quick! It’s important to stay connected, however, you must not let it take priority to your goals.   Plus, too much Facebook can lead to depression and anxiety.
It’s awesome to feel productive and check things off your list isn’t it?
  Hit the gym
  Write new blog posts
  Research 5 new accounts
  Record new Video Blog (coming soon!)
That felt good … 
Now it’s your turn.
You must remove distractions to get more time.
It’s time to get focused!   
What do you do in your week to create more time?
Know someone who could benefit from this blog post?   Pass it on using the social share links below!
I’d love to work with you!  Click here to contact me.
HOLLA! Back,
Credits: The 4-Hour Work Week 


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