10 tips to ROCK THE MIC and become a better Public Speaker!

“People will forget what you say … people will forget what you do … but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou  

I love speaking. It is a great passion of mine to share what inspires me to help others live their best lives.
Yet, every time I take the stage to open a keynote or run a workshop … I am always nervous.  
My blood is pumping.  My heart is racing.   It’s crazy.
And I hope that never changes.
Because it means that what I’m about to say or do really means something to me. That the words I speak are my truth and the stakes are high because I believe in them with my whole heart.
It also reminds me I’m alive.  Very much alive.
Public speaking is the #1 fear of most people on earth.   It is not an easy thing to do.
However, it’s pretty much guaranteed that you will have to speak in front of others at some point in your life and your career.
If you have anything to say or sell, it’s critical you understand how to resonate with an audience and speak in public.  It separates the good from the great and the forgettable from the unforgettable.
Here are some things you can start doing now to really rock the mic and resonate with an audience:
  1. Believe – If you don’t believe in what your doing, saying or selling the audience will smell it like dirty shoes. If your passionate you can create incredible impact.
  2. Tell A Story – Storytelling is the new way to sell, so open with a story!  If you haven’t gotten on board with this yet, your missing out.  Find the story in whatever your selling or saying, and tell it!
  3. Be Real –  Speak your TRUTH!   If not, the audience will pick up on it.  Be you, be vulnerable, be quirky. It’s so refreshing to see “real-ness” on stage.  Because, guess what, we are all freaking human and make mistakes. And if we didn’t, we’d be robots. Which would suck.
  4. It’s not about YOU – So leave yo’ ego at the door!  I replace any thought of “I’m so nervous!” or “Will they like me?” or “What will they think about me?” with “I’m so excited!” and “I can’t wait to give them these gifts!” and “This is totally going to help them!” … it’s amazing how your mind will shift!
  5. Death by PPT – Ugh … powerpoint.  What I mean is … use slides, yes, but make them impactful and do your best to put as little words as possible on each slide.  Use your words instead, tell a story and enhance it with impactful photos or graphics.  DO NOT do anything else that will require them to read a bunch of crap on a screen rather than listen to YOU!!!  (PS – my favorite thing about getting my MacBook, is Keynote, it’s dreamy and crushes PPT, highly recommend!)  
  6. Why should they care? – Ask yourself this after every slide, every point, every statement.  Why? Why? Why? What’s in it for them?  Why should they care about your message, your vision, your product?  How will it make their life better?
  7. Rehearse, Rehearse, Rehearse! – Self explanatory and CRITICAL!  I put in 30 hours of rehearsals alone for every 60 minute speech I give.  It sounds crazy and it can make you feel crazy doing it over and over and over.  But trust me it will make HUGE impact and your audience will FEEL the difference.  And record yourself, you’ll find things you do that you need to STOP doing and it will help you become more aware.
  8. Mirror Others – watch speakers you like to study what they do and why they resonated with you.  A great source of inspiration!
  9. Do it – The more you speak the better you get.
  10. HAVE FUN – It’s a no brainer.  Get up there, breathe, have fun, be yourself and smile. It’s amazing how something so simple can go so far.  Plus, always remember … the audience is gunning for you.  They want to see you do well, so knock ’em dead!
What do you do to help you overcome your fear of public speaking?
Be Well. Be Inspired!
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7 responses to “10 tips to ROCK THE MIC and become a better Public Speaker!”

  1. Char Yaemniyom Shada Avatar
    Char Yaemniyom Shada

    Another awesome blog, Judi! #2 is my favorite! Storytelling is the best way to get at the audience’s heart strings. If you believe in your story, people will believe in you and they will connect with you. I love hearing stories – that’s what makes it so much more real. Oh and #5….seriously…….no more PPT’s please!!!!!!! Remember how scared I used to be about public speaking?

    1. Hey Char! Oh yes I remember … you have come SOOO FAR!!!! Proud of you for that! And I have to say that I do like the use of slides in a presentation, but only for impact or to drive home a point in the story. Some people are visual. And some images can be really powerful. So I use slides but moderately and only use graphics / images … very little wording. You see so many presentations in your office .. whats your biggest pet peeve?

      1. Char Yaemniyom Shada Avatar
        Char Yaemniyom Shada

        Agreed – slides are okay if used moderately with little verbiage. Oh, one of my biggest pet peeves is when someone is showing us a presentation slide and they keep turning their back to us and reading off the slide. Something about the body language just irks me. LOL!

        1. Totally … stage presence is also critical … we must always be thinking about the audience and our body language. Great reminder Char!

  2. This post could not have come at a better time, how did you know?! I am giving my first presentation this week at an event where I once sat in the audience and now I get to stand up and share my experiences and knowledge. Thanks for helping take the edge off, I am pretty nervous and don’t like people judging me or evaluating my performance on a form 🙂 thanks for another awesome post!

    1. Hey Hey April! Cool … thanks for sharing! You will rock that presentation, so go in there, be you and give them something they need. You’ll do great! Just remember, it’s about THEM and who cares what anyone thinks of you. There will always be critics, you just have to push through and focus on your message. Cheers!

  3. Hi Joyce … this is awesome!!! Such great advice and thanks so much for sharing. This is my favorite part of blogging … the conversation that happens in the comments.

    I absolutely agree, we need to get our of our own way. Sometimes our self talk can hold us back from flying closer to the sun. It’s a form of the resistance. And something we must watch out for. I love the idea of playing make believe, I do it all the time. Thanks for the comment …. great stuff!

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