HOLLA Q&A: How to fearlessly self promote, my fave podcasts, and more!

Hey Hey #FearBOSS!

Welcome to the first ever Q&A Show.  I did a little poll on my Instagram stories asking if you would want a weekly Q&A video and 95% of you said HELL YES!

So, here I am.

There are so many amazing Q’s that come into my email, my DM’s, after talks I give, and in response to my Friday Fab Five newsletter that I decided to start answering them for you.  I figure if one of you have a Q, the answer may help many of you.

I was definitely nervous with my first one, having never Q&A’d before, and my old friend self-doubt definitely paid me a visit. The soundtrack in my head right before pressing record was:  Who the hell are you? You aren’t good enough.  What makes you a teacher?  You aren’t a coach.  You don’t know enough. You aren’t smart enough. No one will watch.  You are going to get mean comments.

All of it fear.  Trying to stop me from doing something new.  So, you know what I did? I told fear thank you for caring so much about me but it was time to eat a suck it sandwich. I’m always in control and in charge, not my fear.

I will definitely tighten these up moving forward and am excited to watch them evolve.   Yet, the show can’t grow if I don’t start. So here’s to starting!

That said, I need your help with two things:

  •  What should I call this show?  Q&A show sounds so boring! Inspire me.  You can hit us up at hello@judiholler.com.
  •  Send me Q’s you’d like me to answer and you may just see your Q on the show. Email us at hello@judiholler.com.

For now … I hope you enjoy and in this episode I answer the four (4) Q’s:

  • How to fearlessly promote yourself on social.
  • My 2 favorite podcasts.
  • What I look forward to each day.
  • What currently gives me gratification.

Click the pic below to watch Episode #1.

Made with Love.