Regrets: 10 Things You’ll Regret in 10 Years!

“We should all start to LIVE before we get too old. Fear is stupid. So are regrets.” – Marilyn Monroe
So today is the day … It’s the end of the road for you.
Lights out.
You have 24 hours left on this earth.
Are you happy? Did you enjoy the ride?  Did you laugh?  Did you play? Did you love?
Did you stress out too much? Work too much?  Miss out on too much?
Time waits for no one.
And the thing is … you don’t know when your last day on earth will be.
You hear this all the time … “Live like it’s your last day.”
But do you really do that?
I know that most of the time I don’t.
I get caught up in the day to day stuff and before I know it I’m missing out on life b/c I’m too worried about all the “stuff” I can’t control anyway.
It’s time to live like you mean it!
Here are 10 things you’ll regret if you keep them up:
  1. Living in the Past – Life is always happening right NOW!   Use your past to fuel your future … but let the rest go.
  2. Not Saying How You Feel – Don’t hold back to keep peace with others.  You’ll end up settling for a mediocre existence and never become who you truly are.  Plus, it could make you sick keeping all that negative juju inside you.
  3. Keeping Negative Company – Stop giving considerable thought to inconsiderate people.  Bottom line. ONLY put people in your life that lift you higher and say “Buh-Bye” to the rest.
  4. Not Hanging Out With Your Friends – You can get so caught up in your busy life that golden friendships start to slip by.  Give friendships the time and effort they deserve, you’ll miss them when they are gone.
  5. Hiding Who You REALLY Are – I always say … “Be Yourself or Be Dead.”  Live a life that is authentic to who you are.  Pretending to be something your not is not only exhausting … it can also make you depressed, anxious, and fearful.
  6. Trying to Micromanage Every Little Thing –  Relax and enjoy the ride.  Stuff will happen … it’s a part of life … so get over it.
  7. Endlessly Waiting for “Someday” –  Someday is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you.  Health brings freedom very few realize, until you no longer have it.  So get out there … live life … and have the guts to live your dreams while you still can.
  8. Being Lazy – Wasting away in front of the TV is no way to live life.   Get outside, travel, be active.  The world is a beautiful place, just waiting for you to explore it.
  9. Not Taking Care of Your Health – Our choices determine our destiny.  Choose wisely.
  10. Skipping Vacations – All work and no play is CRAY!!!   It’s not “cool” to skip vacations.  No one is going to hand you an award for how much you work.  And honestly, it’s nothing to brag about.   You earn, deserve, and NEED vacation time … take it!
So what are you doing with this one, wild, and beautiful life you have?
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HOLLA! Back,


9 responses to “Regrets: 10 Things You’ll Regret in 10 Years!”

  1. Donna Mitsos Avatar
    Donna Mitsos

    Hi Judi! Thank you so much for the reminders. There are definitely a couple things on this list which I should start paying attention to now. Love your blogs! Donna

    1. Hi Donna! Thanks for reading, for the love, and for the awesome comment. And I agree … I’m always reminding myself to pay attention!

  2. Doug Sandler Avatar
    Doug Sandler

    Great post Judi! A great reminder to live today to the fullest. Thanks for the reminder. xoxoxo ~Doug

    1. Thanks Doug! We create what we need … I’m constantly reminding myself.

  3. Greg Werstler Avatar
    Greg Werstler

    Fantastic reminders Judi! I also worry about the speed at which people move through life. Stop and watch the sunset once in a while, sit quietly and read a book or just sit. Life is made up of small moments, none of which happen on your phone.

    1. Hey Greg! You are right on the money … I could not agree more. I think we need a national “LOOK UP” day … for everyone to get their heads out of their phones. It’s the small moments that are passing by like lightening!

      1. Greg Werstler Avatar
        Greg Werstler

        I’m down for “LOOK UP” DAY!

  4. Char Yaemniyom Shada Avatar
    Char Yaemniyom Shada

    Awesome reminders, Judi! Love it! These are all great points, but I think #4, 7 and 10 are so on the money for me. I definitely need to stop and smell the roses more often. However, I do my best to find a “life is good” moment every day. Keep it coming, Miss Holler!!!!!!

    1. Love the comment Char and yah … those #’s resonate with me too. Actually they all do … we create what we need. I guess that’s why I felt compelled to write that post. So appreciate you reading AND commenting … rock on sister!

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