How to make resolutions that actually stick!

“You are not actually chasing the goal. You’re chasing the feeling that you hope attaining the goal will give you.” – Danielle LaPorte
Who do you want to BE in 2014?  How do you want to FEEL?
Each year we set out to make “goals” for the New Year.
And each year it’s the same thing.
This year I’ll pay off my Mastercard.  This is the year I’ll finally quit smoking.  This year I’ll lose that 10 lbs.  This year I’ll really run that marathon.  This year I’ll travel more.
When we make our New Year’s resolutions, our bucket lists, our big plans … we’re hoping that when we cross it off our list we’ll be fulfilled. That our heart with sing.  That we can finally relax and savor our happiness.
Except more often than not, this doesn’t happen. Even when we meet our objectives, we wonder if we aimed too low, or took too long, or if we could have done it better. And when we fall short, we come down on ourselves like a ton of bricks.
So we make the next goal, hoping it’ll give us everything the last one didn’t.
This is a self-defeating cycle that’s burning us out. How do we change it?
Introducing Danielle LaPort and The Desire Map!!
You MUST know about her and read this book.
Danielle believes that every craving, aspiration, or goal you have—from what you eat, wear, and own, to all the things you want to create or do—is driven by a desire to feel a certain way. That’s it.
Danielle challeges us to set goals based on how we want to FEEL in the key areas of our life:  wellness, finance, family, love, career.
I love this!!!
Figuring out first how you want to FEEL in your own skin, heart and career … then acting accordingly.   Reverse engineering it from that space.
Feelings first.  Outcomes Second.
This equals ultimate alignment!
I am so pumped to get started.
How about you?
It’s time to get clear about your CORE VALUES.  To start with the FEELING first … then put a plan in place behind that.
Here’s how The Desire Map can change your life in 2014 (brilliantly summed up by Sounds True):
  1. You’ll uncover your core desired feelings—this will become your new North Star for living a soul-centered life.
  2. You’ll learn how to identify expectations you’ve picked up from your parents, the Joneses, the media, or the imaginary “they” you’re always trying to impress.
  3. You’ll learn how to tune into critical signals from your instincts, your body, and the people around you.
  4. You’ll apply Desire Mapping to all the major areas of your life—livelihood & lifestyle, body & wellness, creativity & learning, relationships & society, and essence & spirituality.
  5. You’ll learn how to create practical plans with daily, weekly, and monthly actions that will bring more and more of your core desired feelings into your life.
To find out more click here.
How do you want to FEEL in 2014?
Be Well. Be Inspired!
To work with me click here!  
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