You don’t have to be “twenty-something” to TAKE RISKS that will change your life!


“You’ll always miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” – Wayne Gretzky

In this post I explore Improv rule #4 on my list “taking risks”.  Risks must be taken if you really want to enrich your life.  If you risk nothing … you do nothing, become nothing and have nothing.

I have taken a lot of risks in my life and I have also passed up a few risks that I will probably regret for a long long time.  I think many of you can relate to this.   However, I move forward and try not to get caught up in the past.  Now I set my sights on the future and take calculated risks that I hope will move my life in the direction of my dreams.  Starting this blog was a risk.  Writing for you every week is a risk.

I can tell you that many of the Improv rules on my Top Ten list help me build the courage to take risks every day. Things like getting out of my head … following the fear … being ok with failure.

However, taking a risk is still hard and can be scary.  So I’ve put together 4 ways to help you ease into it:

1)  Focus on WHY your taking the risk –  What does success look like?  Be very clear on what the final result looks like.  And THINK BIG!  Don’t limit yourself … you’ll be amazed at what can happen when you give yourself the sky as the limit.  Make sure you clearly define your “why”. What is your vision, your goal and the #1 reason you are taking this risk? To learn more about the “why” read Simon Sinek’s amazing book, “Start with Why”.  It’s a book on leadership that has changed my thinking in so many ways!

2)  Understand the obstacles – nothing in life is perfect.  If it was then we would never learn, grow or even take risks to begin with.  So just know … there will be obstacles.  Take the time to write a list of the potential obstacles that are holding you back from taking your risk.  This will allow you to become clear and help you develop the willpower to get started.

3)  Just start already!   Resistance is the enemy .. it is not your friend and never will be.  “Resistance is a repelling force.  It’s negative.  Its aim is to shove you away, distract you, prevent you from doing your work.” – Steven Pressfield, Do The Work . Nothing will ever be perfect … so take the risk, jump in, just DO IT!

4)  Now sit back and enjoy the ride – You did it! You took a risk!  First of all, be proud of yourself this is a major accomplishment.  Now, sit back and enjoy it.  You’ll learn all kinds of things, meet all kinds of people and get to know yourself in ways you could have never imagined.   Nothing in life happens over night, the end result may take time … but your on your way.   Stay consistent, stay positive, stay focused.

What is a risk you’ve taken that has changed your life?

Be well. Be Inspired!
PS – In the photo I’m with one of my favorite risk takers, Tina, who gifted me the liscence plate.  It is the same liscence plate she gave to her husband, Travis, when he started his business Travis Inc 16 years ago.   It is one of the greatest gifts I’ve ever recieved and every day it’s a reminder to KEEP GOING!!


8 responses to “You don’t have to be “twenty-something” to TAKE RISKS that will change your life!”

  1. Kim Sanchez Avatar
    Kim Sanchez

    Great Message and I agree with all, I will add that the one and only regret almost everyone I have spoken with about taking a risks is that most often they wish they had done it sooner and never looked back! The reward always outweighs the obstacles and resistance and no matter the end result you will always be glad you tried and took the risk! I have been working in the hospitality profession for over 20 years and have just recently started my own company after years, and years of clients begging me to go ahead and take the risk. I finally did it, pushed myself out the door, and I am so overwhelmed with how Fabulous it is going and it really wasn’t as scary as I had made out to be in my head, it was natural and I am so very proud of myself. So, Of course I say now over and over I so should have done this much sooner– but I mostly say enjoy the ride! and remind myself to be thankful with lots of gratitude from all I experienced prior to this chapter of my career and life! Thank you!

    1. Hi Kim!! I just love this comment … thanks so much for sharing this spot on feedback! And CONGRATS on your business. I’m so thrilled to hear about your success, your happiness and your courage to take a risk!!! You are a perfect example of how taking a risk can lead you the life if your dreams! And I must say … yes … DO IT NOW is a huge part of risk taking. It’s what I meant by not listening to resistance … that selfish little devil that will tell you don’t do it, you’ll fail, it wont work, stop. Ignore that resistance and START NOW! What a motto right? Thanks for reading …. and for the comment. So love the conversation!

  2. Tina Reedy Avatar
    Tina Reedy

    Judi, this is such a great blog and it does hit home. I LOVE that you put the quote in from Wayne Gretzky, I refer to it often in business as well. I could not have related to this any more than I have. I am so grateful that you decided to take a risk and enrich us with such great lessons from your experience with improv and life. THANK YOU!

    1. Hi Tina and thanks for the post!! This Wayke Gretzky quote is one of my all time favorites … so simple … so true. Thanks for the support and I’m grateful to YOU for reading along and sharing your feedback. Having readers like you keep me motivated to keep writing!

  3. Kearstin H Avatar
    Kearstin H

    Amazing and so inspiring!!!

    1. Thanks Kearstin … so are YOU!

  4. Laura Pollina Avatar
    Laura Pollina

    Thanks for this post Juds! Risks can be scary but have proven incredibly rewarding in life! Great job with the blog. I was so scared when I walked into level A improv and not only was improv one of my favorite things I have ever done but its led me to amazing people in my life like you!! Xo

    1. Hi Lu!!! I agree … I still remember Level A … it was terrifying wasn’t it … but exciting at the same time! So glad I took that risk too! Definately one of the best things I’ve ever done. Plus I met YOU! Thanks for the post and for reading!

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