running from wild pigs: judi answers your questions episode 131

Running From Wild Pigs: Judi Answers Your Questions

Running from wild pigs is just one of the hilarious things said in this fun episode where Judi answers your questions.  In today’s episode, Amanda asks Judi questions from YOU – her community about her move to Arizona (which includes the story about running from wild pigs), the “Yes, And” mindset, and more. Remember, “And” can do magical things that help you open incredible doors, but it can also get you out of things. So, if you don’t like where you are, “And” it and you’ll begin to create your own power by controlling the next step.

Today on Yes, And:

  • Moving to Arizona: The animals and climate
  • How Judi said “yes” when she knew she wanted to begin speaking on stages
  • The benefits of ultimatums and the power of discipline
  • What does “Yes, And” mean to Judi?


Connect with Judi:

This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

Top Quotes:

  1. From the snakes to the javelinas, to the freaking bobcats, to the jumping chollas, I get a little scared of just taking a nice casual walk…you have to be on your shit out here.
  2. “You can use “And” to get you into really cool shit, but it can also get you out of shit you did not see coming and things you do not like.”
  3. “Sometimes other people politely open the door for you…It’s either “yes” or “no”. And sometimes it’s that ultimatum—in a strange way—that makes us say, “Okay, we’re ready!”.
  4. “It takes a level of discipline to create, to write, especially when you’re uninspired…Habits without discipline, quite frankly, don’t exist.”