Episode 52: Increase Your Self-Worth + Net-Worth with Jessica Zweig

Jessica Zweig, personal branding expert and founder & CEO of the SimplyBe. Agency is here to unpack how to raise your net-worth by building your self-worth and unlocking your divine feminine. She shares high-performance habits, expert tools for building your brand, and breaks down how to use radical candor to tackle issues head-on.

In this episode of Yes, And:

  • Being of service by building your personal brand
  • Jessica’s high-performance habits & spiritual hacks
  • Essential tools for tapping into your divine feminine
  • Authenticity, loving yourself, & building your self-worth
  • How to use radical candor for tough conversations 

Top 3 FAVE quotes:

  1. You are doing not only yourself a disservice but also the world when you do not share who you are.14:15
  2. It’s an inside job, building your brand, not an outside job.
  3. We need to give ourselves space, as women in business, to tap into our feminine so we can feel more lit up, nourished, and full in the way that we lead in business.

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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions