7 Reasons Why You Need To Shut The Hell Up!

“There is real comfort in being quiet.” – Justina Chen
I lost my voice over the weekend.
It wasn’t a long dramatic laryngitis situation or anything.   I got a bug and it took my voice with it for a little over 36 hours.
I’ve never lost my voice before.
And the ironic part of the whole thing is that I was literally JUST talking about how I need to learn how to shut the hell up.
To be quiet.
To listen more.
Because I totally have a “nervous talk too much” tendency … and it’s kind of ridicilous.
Actually … I should be honest with you … I have a “talk too much” tendency period.
Just the other day I was negotiating a deal for something personal I was working on and instead of shutting up … I totally talked myself in to a big black hole.
I’m still pissed about it.
And it’s sparked a movement in me … to be more aware and mindful of being quiet.  To listen more.  To react later.
So this weekend when I lost my voice … I thought … oh hell no … what are the odds of that?
The univerise is totally talking to me.   And guess what … Universe I hear you!
Listening is critical.  Most successful leaders and entrepreneurs credit thier success to listening. Richard Branson says one of the #1 factors in Virgin being successful was that he learned to shut the hell up and listen.
Listening is a skill that links together all positive human relationships.
And remember …. Listening is NOT the same as hearing!!
Hearing are the sounds you hear … where actual listening requires focus.  It means not only paying attention to the story but HOW the story is told … language, voice, body movements.
Studies show we listen 60% of the time but ONLY 25% is retained.
So it sounds like to me listening, and really listening, is a pretty major asset to the brand of who you are!
I’m ready to take it more seriously and losing my voice kick-started the mission.
And what did I learn from my 36 hours of less talk / more listening?  Here’s what:
  1. It relieves pressure to listen rather than always thinking of the next thing to say
  2. You HEAR more information
  3. You LEARN more information
  4. It makes people feel special
  5. There is peace in watching others communicate
  6. Silence is the greatest teacher of all
  7. Thinking before speaking is critical to gain respect and trust
  8. Silence helps check the Ego
So how about you … do you talk to much or do you listen like a champ?  
I’d love to hear from you in the comments below …
Be Well. Be Inspired!
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6 responses to “7 Reasons Why You Need To Shut The Hell Up!”

  1. Sometimes, you just need to! I really liked your post. There is definately power in silence at times.

    1. Yah … this is one I’m working on every day! Thanks for reading Naomi!!

  2. I to, talk too much when I am nervous. Thank you for the post and tips!

    1. Thanks for reading Gail!!!

  3. Char Yaemniyom Shada Avatar
    Char Yaemniyom Shada

    I’m not sure…sometimes I think I talk too much and then I think I didn’t talk enough or ask the right questions to get to the right answer. Is there a difference in that? Yes, I totally used to have “talk too much – just shut up already” syndrome simply because I was nervous. I still get a bit anxious when things are quiet…more in a professional setting. However, when it’s just friends….silence with friends is sometimes comforting. This is a great blog though….I need to let this one sink in more while I shut up.

    1. Thanks for reading Char and love your catching up on my blogs! I do think there is a balance in listening and asking … for me, early on in the relationship I try to listen my butt off and then as things progress … this is when I start bringing in very intentional questions … and the questions you ask are always better once you’ve listened anyway. So a total win win.

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