simplify your summer episode 129 with Judi Holler

Simplify Your Summer

Simplify your life.  Simplify your summer. Life moves fast, and before you know it, the summer’s going to be over. When you stop and look at your life, where can you cliff note some things so you can spend more time doing what you enjoy? Can you stop being such a perfectionist, and just be where your feet are? In today’s solo, Judi talks about the things she’s cliff noting in her life to ensure she gets the most out of this summer.  The big idea is that sometimes you have to simplify to amplify.

Today on Yes, And:

  • A quick update on Judi’s new life in Arizona
  • The idea of being where your feet are
  • Some thoughts on social media
  • What to expect from Judi this summer

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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions


Top Quotes:

  1. “I want to give myself permission to be where my feet are. To cliff note my life when I need to…Especially in the summer.”
  2. “Can you put some flexibility into your week? Can you find a way to vibe up your lunch breaks…carve out a soulful Sunday morning, or a Saturday for yourself? …I want you to make room for all the things you want to do this summer.”
  3. “I’m going to share stories of me facing my fears. Stories of entrepreneurship, of life. Stories that can really help you check your vibe this summer, but also don’t require you to listen to a 30-minute…podcast.”
  4. “We are overscheduled and over planned and overfed and overstimulated…No wonder we’re sick…We’re not slowing down enough to check in with ourselves.”