Speaker School is coming to help you step on stage and shine! Today, Judi gives us the ins and outs of her forthcoming Speaker School offering: What it is, who it’s for, what will be covered, and when’s it coming. Speaker School will teach you everything you need to know about speaking professionally. Judi will share all the tricks of the trade she’s gathered throughout her ten-year career, helping you step on stage and shine!

Today on Yes, And:

  • Why now is the perfect time for Judi’s Speaker School
  • Who Speaker School is designed for
  • The three biggest takeaways from this course
  • How to get on the waitlist.

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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

Top Quotes: 

 “In speaker school, I will teach you everything I’ve done to build my seven-figure speaker business from the ground up. If you know, in your bones, that speaking on stage is what you want to do for a living and you believe you’ve got the chops for you, this is for you.”

“I know you will get so much value out of this course because I am literally making it for the me that was me ten years ago, a girl who had a dream in her heart but didn’t know where to start.”

“Launching this course now feels like really beautiful divine timing because 2023 marks a decade for me as a professional keynote speaker. That means ten years of me earning a living pitching and selling myself to deliver speeches on stage.” 


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