How To Stop Sucking On Facebook – Part 2

“Don’t say anything online that you wouldn’t want plastered on a billboard with your face all over it.” – Erin Bury, Sprouter
Whether you work for a large corporation, you own your own businiess or just want to build your personal brand … social media and Facebook is a big part of the plan!
I mean you are likely watching this video online and you most likely found this vid via social media.
Which means … you have a Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or Instagram account … which means YOU are the media.  
You are posting messages in real time about what’s going on in this world, in your life, in your heart and in your business.
And guess what … this is a major responsiblity!
At your fingertips is a tool so powerful that you must understand how to use the responsiblity. 
You are a messanger!
However, there is a major lack of Facebook etiquette out there and it totally sucks.
I don’t want YOU to become a victim to this bad social media behavior because it’s a major part of your Personal Brand.  
If you care at all about your reputation and if you want to keep your job … It’s critical that you are mindful of how you are perceived on social media.
So it’s time to stop sucking.  
That’s what this episode of The #Brandprov Show is all about … I’m bringing back one of my most popular blog posts “How to stop sucking on Facebook”.  
So now … I’d love to hear your perspective …
How do you find ways to keep it real on Facebook?
I cannot wait to hear from you … so “Holla Back” below.
Thanks so much for watching, reading and sharing this video!
X’s and O’s, 

Click here to work with me!   Click here to like my Facebook Fan Page.  


2 responses to “How To Stop Sucking On Facebook – Part 2”

  1. Doug Sandler Avatar
    Doug Sandler

    Once again…you hit the nail on the head. Personal brand, reputation and social media are important partners that can make or break your career. xo

    **If you are focused on your future you MUST watch this primer on Facebook etiquette. Judi knows her stuff and presents some must know tips we all need to follow.**

    1. Thanks Doug E. Fresh! Appreciate the comment. And yes sir … social media etiquette is major … I can’t wait to hear everyone else’s pointers!!! I’m sure I’ve missed a million.

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