Tag: blog

  • My One Page Goal Setting Tool

    “My work wasn’t done tonight.  My work was done 3 months ago, I just have to show up.” – Whitney Cummings It’s a New Year and that means so many of you are out there making resolutions & setting goals.  Committing that this year will finally be the year you lose weight, quit smoking, get…

  • 4 Ways To Be Less Defensive

    “Defensiveness is normal and universal. It is also the archenemy of listening.” – Dr. Harriet Lerner You know that feeling. When someone says something that makes the hairs on the back of your next stand up. You immediately get on edge. Your skin starts to crawl. You get defensive and start to “bow up” to…

  • 5 Things To Stop Doing Right Now!

    “Not-to-do” lists are often more effective than to-do lists for upgrading performance. – Tim Ferriss I know you have To-Do lists on top of To-Do lists. Sometimes it seems never ending! The minute you get one project done there are 10 more staring you down so hard you get the sweats. Plus, there is family…